Space – The Next Frontier of Microsampling
Space Team PK
Alturas Analytics: Jennifer Zimmer, Lori Payne
Trajan: James Rudge, Traci Mizuno, Rimmy Shah
Aclairo: Bob Guttendorf
Space Team: John Donehoo
Microsampling in space? Yes, this is the next frontier. If science fiction writers are right, humans will soon be living in space. Turns out there is a dearth of actual data on the effect of microgravity on pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters although it is known that microgravity affects the body’s fluid dynamics, intestinal motility, and cardiovascular activity in space. It is important to know how drugs used to treat nausea, headaches, pain, insomnia, and so on work on space travelers and how microgravity PK differs from terrestrial PK. Some data are available from rats and tissue chips in space and studies in simulated microgravity conducted on Earth, but very little actual data compare subjects’ PK on Earth to that in Space. That is about to change. Pre-flight blood samples were collected on Neoteryx Mitra® microsampling devices by Trajan from astronauts who will be flying on an upcoming mission. Crew members were orally dosed with 500 mg acetaminophen and then sampled at different time points. The samples were analyzed via LC-MS/MS and PK parameters have been calculated. Those data will be presented along with planned next steps. Learn some new out-of-this-world terms and exciting plans that promise to change our knowledge about PK in space.
About the Presenter

Dr. Lori Payne has a distinguished career in large pharma in addition to managing and directing growth and development in Contract Research Organizations with bioanalytical, discovery, and analytical groups in animal and human health. As Vice-President of Bioanalytical, Analytical, and Discovery at BASi (now Inotiv), she achieved numerous awards for her lean and continuous improvement focus.